About Us
Hospital in Brief
St. Louis French Hospital is a non-profit Catholic Christian institution owned by the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph. It is one of the first healthcare institution in Jerusalem, and the first to open oncology department and to offer palliative care.
Today St. Louis Hospital is well known for its quality and humanitarian service with terminally ill patients.We are a diverse team that includes international volunteers who serve all the people of Jerusalem. In the midst of violence and tension, St. Louis always gives hope that coexistence and mutual respect is possible.
The hospital today is divided into three departments and is licensed for 57 beds by the Israeli Ministry of Health.
We offer our patients and their families a professional and caring team that works with the purpose of improving their living conditions.
Our Values

We establish shared goals between the treating team, the patients, their support persons including family members that reflect the patient’s priorities. The team cares very well to articulate, understand, and support all these shared goals for the mutual benefit of everyone.

Ecumenism and Diversity
We are a very diverse community that includes multiple nationalities, ethnicities, religions, languages, and cultures

Care and Services
. The hospital’s medical staff, nurses, caregivers, therapy team and management work closely to directly meet each patient's needs or at the very least strive to find someone who can. We believe that the patient comes first.

We care and serve the patients entrusted to our care with utmost enthusiasm. We are inspired by our Catholic Christian humanitarian identity to serve, comfort, and help people in their final stages.
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition

“Saint Louis is a place of miracles, some of which are evident, such as the one linked to the story of Sister Josephine Rumebe who found, under the floor tiles of a room here on the ground floor, the exact sum of money that she needed to buy the mountain of Kiryat Yearim, where the Ark of the Covenant has remained for 20 years. Others are more silent and hidden miracles, they are those of every day, where instead of walls, relationships are built, stories of reconciliation and mutual esteem, stories of lives accompanied with love until the end of their days and lives spent in the service of others.” (Sister Valentina)
“Our sister helps every needed people” (Sister Frida)
“They have the charisma to give themselves for every body without any distinguish Jewish, Muslim, Christian” (Sister Frida)
” We want to see more miracles – of course, if we found money under the floor tiles half of the projects to improve the hospital’s services would be solved … – cultivate dreams, so that the Saint Louis Hospital and those who are part of it continue to be the sign of a community that cares, which is interested in the life of each of its members, not because it is productive, but simply because it is a gift in itself, deserving to be lived to the full, even in sickness, even in suffering. Only a society like this is capable of hope and a future, and it is possible to build it only together.” (Sister Valentina)
“I hope many other vocations will help to continue this special mission in Jerusalem in this hospital”(Sister Frida)